A bit of spit & polish

Its been quite a hectic few days between watching the election and going to Glasgow to get my broken washing machine sorted. After waiting in most of the day, the chappy finally arrived pulled the machine out took it apart then said it needed a fuse! but it was a special small fuse which was so difficult to exctract from the top board that he dicided to order a new top board which would be with me in 10 days! Then departed leaving bits of machine all over my kitchen floor!
In the meantime, #2 daughter arrived home last night with 4 bags of washing and all her own at that! so today I have spent all day loading and unloading the machine.

Weather wise day began fine but decended into thunder & lighting. Just cooking the dinner for youngest daughter and I so its spaghetti for us both. Then we will sit down and watch tv probably.

Was going to edit the photo I put up of yesterday and deleted it by mistake as I was trying to do two things at once so that proves therefore I cant multi task. Cant be bothered re loading and writing it all again.

By the way photo is of my now very shinny piggy all polished up for Tuscany
Have a good blip evening all

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