
By mar

The phrase 'working mother' is redundant.

The phrase 'working mother' is redundant.
-Jane Sellman

Had THE most boring meeting to attend this morning which meant I couldn't do the school run .. again. Charlotte's getting a bit miffed at this happening so often and I don't really blame her.

After the meeting, I headed to uni to prove I'm not an illegal immigrant. In case I haven't mentioned it here, I'm horrible with directions and was taking a massive risk getting from the one place (which I managed to find on my own), to the uni as I knew Michael had a few important meetings this morning so wouldn't be easily accessible via the phone. But I did it. Not only that, I also had all the right forms and documentation on me! Even better, I made it home with no issues!

After a little relax (a point of the day where I tweeted instead of homework), I went to pick Charlotte up from school. As I wasn't positive about being back on time, she was very happy to see me. I know this isn't the best quality picture, but straight after it was taken she was in my arms being spun around. I love the fact that at 8, she still loves cuddles and doesn't mind expressing it to the world (or to all her friends).

Tonight, it's Photoshop class. I'm happy in the knowledge that I have a portfolio to hand in tonight. Shame the same can't be said about Michael.

One Nil to Moi. ;-)

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