Happy Birthday R snr!

Our beloved R snr. celebrates his 47th Birthday today! I wish him a prosperous year, lots of love and excellent health! I hope and pray that, whatever decisions he makes in the near future, will be blessed again, like só often in the past!

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank him for being such a lovely person! I appreciate what he does and means to his wife (my daughter C) and his son, R jnr, and especially to me! He is one in a million! Nothing we want or need is ever too much for him! He has such a strong character, he is our leader, mentor and beloved husband, dad and son! LuvURonnie!!

Wow, it is só wet and misty this morning!! We can't see our lovely mountains at all!! I went for an early Blipwalk, before guests arrive, but eisch, I couldn't even see our security fence at the back of the estate, no way of seeing the Hartbeespoortdam either!

The Guineafowl ran away as soon as they became aware of me! When I closed in on them, they decided to fly a short way further, into the mist! Here, you can see how dense the mist was, you can hardly see the fence, about 50 metres from where I was standing!

Please don't miss my Blip for yesterday! There was some technical problem with uploading it, it was only approved very late last night, and I luvvvvvv it só much!! Please do look back!! ;-)

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