Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Blowing the cobwebs away...

Today was going to be another day at the computer, but first of all I had the problem of my washing machine flooding the kitchen - great. After investigating, I discovered that the problem was a blocked drain outside the house. Everything was coming back into the kitchen - including the stuff from the waste disposal, which smelled foul! Luckily, the local plumber interrupted his Sunday breakfast to unclog the thing.

There then followed a few more hours on the computer.

Then, I noticed that the skies had cleared, and thought 'bugger it'. Dimairt and I headed up the hill overlooking the village, and this shot is the brief second or two he wasn't on the move.

I felt so much better for the break, and after I do this blip, I might have the will to do some more work.

Or, maybe I won't.

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