Lyn's Things

By Abzquine

Skool Dayz

I was trying to remember my old primary school headmasters name today so dug out the old school reports my mum gave me recently. I actually got a little upset looking at them.

Two reasons mainly -
1. they got it so wrong
2. they were also so damn right

In primary 4 & 5 I had Mrs Stewart, I liked her and I think she liked me. She even wrote that I was a "very likeable pupil". She made me feel like I was a little better at things than I believed I was, she sticks in my mind as a really nice lady (and she had a wee lump of volcanic rock in her cupboard!). All in all I was very very average. All through they say my handwriting is poor, and it still is but I tend to write things out a number of times if it needs to be neat.

Primary 7 is the only report with any depth. "Lyn's biggest problems are her lack of confidence in her own ability and her tendency to rush" hmm this would appear still to be true.

A number of the reports mention my chattering - which surprises me a lot as I remember my school days being horribly lonely. Lunchtimes spent wandering on my own or picking up litter & being rewarded in chewits from the janitor.

"Lyn is quite self-conscious and often nervous. She giggles as a defence mechanism. She needs to work at being a little more confident and relaxed" Was this really written 18 years ago? I find it a little terrifying that I am still this way now as an adult.

So what have I really learned in the 18 years since I left primary school? Well I learned that the maths I really struggled over and stressed myself over has never really hampered my progress in life. I work with money every day and I manage fine. I'll probably never be able to learn my times tables but I can work around with the little I know. I've learned that friendships as an adult are just as fleeting as those I was able to make for a short time as a child, perhaps I just need to try harder as with my handwriting.

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