Fast fish

These new fish are MENTAL!

The cats have taken to sleeping on top of the fish tank - not interested in the fish, just the top of the lid is warm due to the lights and the heater!

I need some of this energy. I sat and watched the three of them darting around after I got home (8.30pm...left at 7.30 this morning...soooooooooo tired!) and they just made me laugh. They are community fish so wherever one goes the other two follow, which is funny as heck when one of them suddenly doubles back on himself and plays skittles with the other two.

There's three - Zebedee (he's the 'Zebra' stripy one), Leo (the Leopard spotted one) and Pearl (who is NOT a singer, but is definitely the boss fish - no markings, bigger than the other two by far). They are giddy as kippers with the daylight lamp on, they go proper "mad for it" when the blue nightlight gets switched on, and they slow down to just generally manic when the lights are off.

Now, do I have a bath, or do I slob out on the sofa for an hour and watch Dynasty on Sky+? ...Corin's gone to the pub. Today, we were ships that passed in the night, or rather, around 9pm.

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