
Day 3 - Masticate

"1. To chew (food)
2. to reduce (materials such as rubber) to a pulp by crushing, grinding or kneading.

From the Greek - mastikhan - to grind the teeth"

Get it? Chew it.

Links to photos from my blip absence (went to the west coast of Ireland for Corin's brother's wedding on Thursday)


Chris and Nicole's wedding

On a separate note, after 4 weeks of my internet connection being, at best, intermittent, I got a clue this morning as to the problem, when the crappy bog standard ADSL modem that BT supplied me with 2 years ago started flashing red lights at me. Quick trip to a well known computer shop, new wireless router with built in modem purchased, 5 minutes untangling the mass of wires at the back of my machine and setting up new toy, and voila, uninterrupted internet connection which is a damn sight faster than I have had in the past 2 years. It also has a nifty upload/download speed monitor on it too! And my desk is tidier because I have got rid of the old modem and the separate wireless router (which I think might have been conflicting with something on my machine anyway as it all seems to have speeded up somewhat). Hurrah.

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