Netters and co

By Netters


We kept a chrysalis as seen here in the hope that I would be able to photograph it hatching, or whatever they do, I had no faith, I thought it had probably died but Freya begged me to keep it, in its pot in the kitchen, a place I am not overkeen on keeping things that might be dead, unless its meat for eating of course, but kept it I did.

Late last night Rob called me to come look, on the side of the pot sat this moth, I was gutted I had missed it hatching but thrilled it was too damp to fly anywhere and I could take photos of it , Moths like light right ? so I didnt think he would mind a flash, or two, or forty three.

It opened its mouth while i was taking photos, I like to think it was smiling , of course it may have been shouting, I wouldnt know I dont speak moth.

Anyway once I took his pics we left him in peace and I found him on the curtain today so I set him free

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