My Last Year of College

By shawn_warren

Dancing with Giants

As part of my daily visual exercise, I'm looking at familiar objects in new ways. I have driven past the Dancers hundreds of times, but never stood under them and looked toward the sky. Standing under these 3-storey high sculptures made me feel like a spider about to be squished. It was a grey day and the contrast between the white figures and the cloudy sky was beautiful. Perhaps I will visit again on a sunny day.

I met with Dr. Moyo Okidigi, art historian, curator of African Art at the Denver Art Museum, brilliant scholar, and internationally renowned painter, to discuss a special project I'll be producing for him -- a documentary on Nigerian shrine painting. This piece will conclude my Art History BA requirements. Contemplating this and other tasks at hand, I experienced the same emotions as when visiting the Dancers -- those of someone small trying to dancing with the giants.

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