Don't blink!

That's a reference to Doctor Who for anybody who didn't know. An episode in one of the previous series was about the "Weeping Angels" and it was one of only a few episodes that have made me very jumpy. We watched another one tonight, new series, and the angels were back, and made me just as jumpy.

Good job then that I hadn't been reminded that statues are actually malevolent beings from outer space before Corin and I stumbled across this fellow in the gardens at Erddig Hall today.

We had made the most of the good weather, and a James free afternoon, and took a jaunt down to North Wales to take advantage of our National Trust membership. We are getting older, that's for sure!

The last time I went to Erddig was on a school trip when I was in my final year at primary school - so 26 years ago. We also went to Powys Castle on that trip, and I remember, vividly and with some glee, that a girl who was in our class, and who was supposed to be a friend, but was actually a bully, got stung by a hornet - Oh boy did we hear her scream! I'm clearly evil and horrible that I hang on to that memory and that it makes me smile, but I also remember how she bullied me at high school, so I have to have something that serves as a little revenge memory (even though it happened before she bullied me - it was probably my fault somehow that she got stung - she was that sort of a girl!).

It's a beautiful place and we have had a lovely afternoon ambling around the gardens and the Mansion house together.

A child free afternoon. Wonderful, but riddled with guilt for being child free! The rest of the photos are on the link above or here if you missed it!

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