then hang me in rags

I was going to go for another Room 101 thing today but I've been wondering about the amount of manufactured (as opposed to opportunistic) blips I've been doing recently in response to the assignments. I tend to rant reasonably frequently anyway in conjunction with something opportunistically blipped, plus there's the "LOATHES:" list in my blurb page. By chance I did spot a classic example of something which annoys the living piss out of me in the form of three dumb-ass construction-monkeys taking time out from slowly completing the demolition of the old council building on the corner of the Lawnmarket and George IV to lech at the passing women. One of them turned round briefly on his way back to work to reveal "WISE demolition" on the back of his fluourescent waistcoat and then briefly hung by his arms from the scaffold pole above him. Unfortunately the camera was back in the bag at that point. Mack's sexist men covers them anyway.

I was also sort of looking for someone reading a copy of the Sun today so that I could replace yesterday's slight miss with a nice picture of the chairs or stairs in the McParliament into which I popped to visit the World Press Photo competition (worth seeing) but no-one seemed to be under its spell today. I'll just stick with opportunity for now, though luckily a nice opportunity arrived so that I didn't have to post the deadrabbit or nasal speliologist spotted on the hill. There was the relatively nice moment of solitude but the cropping just seemed mildly too similar to Tuesday's blip for me.

It does seem mildly fitting to deliberately not complain about something when the assignment suggests it. Perhaps I need to complain a bit less generally. Maybe I should have a fluffy week and find seven new things to add to the "LIKES:" list.

Would that be me, though?

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