Arrakis Native

By ArrakisNative

Mannish Boy

by Muddy Waters

The Pool Boy's Theories

This is a celebration
of life and sun. We are laying
with our bodies prone to light, sweating
in it's heat. This must be the first official day
of summer . Since yesterday, I have been free
for two weeks until autumn
classes start again. Of course now
I am by the pool. Seriously,
Where else would I be? This
is summer. There isn't a ton
of time to fool around. You have to
grab these moments by the wrist,
you have to charge the playground with an army-like
determination, secretly plotting the overthrow
of the children playing coy and cautiously.
This is essential, to plan
ahead and at the same time
throw your plans away before kneeling
before the reigning decree of summer, smiling
and knowing. In the song of this pool water
we must dance, we must skip
in circles, in patterns lost
in the archives of fall. I must recline with
a bowl of grapes and sip cold
drinks in the shade. I was taught to read
in the tradition of "the holidays".

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