
By LadyFindhorn

You Know Who You Are

The blipmeet in Spoon went with a swing last night. In the end there were 10 worthies present, and as we supped and nibbled there was much laughter and general hilarity. Of course the intake of wine and cider helped.
It's always good to meet other people of the same persuation as oneself - obsessive and a little strange.
The castle was in darkness when I made it home, his Lordship having given up waiting for me to return.

I had taken my camera along to the meet with me in the hope of practising my portrait taking on people who would understand my compulsion. I took some shots mostly of Acronymphomania who happened to sitting conveniently opposite me.
Today's blip is therefore a photo of a portrait downloaded onto my Mac of the man himself.
I nearly blipped the one of him feigning ecstasy in the face of a rather large chip, but it was hardly a pretty sight. Yes, readers all this hype of his about eating to blubberbust, and he orders a plate of gorgeous looking chips. We so shamed him, that the rest of us ate most of them , for his own good you understand.

This afternoon we had a meeting in the Dower House with an interior design guru who was estimating the cost of blinds for the windows.There are 20 of these in our small very downsized space which makes you marvel at how much daylight and tantalising views the previous incumbents had as they lay a-bed.
But it's going to cost us a small fortune.......

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