
By LadyFindhorn

The Five Elements

After a sunrise visit to the gym to work off the toffee KitKat which I uncontrollably downed yesterday evening, and a lie down afterwards to recover from the exertions, it was a forced exit from the castle in order to allow his Lordship sole access to the wood inspection surveyor who was billed to come and see if there was any dry rot, wet rot or woodworm nestling in the rafters. I think his Lordship was frightened that I would take over a position as chatelaine of the castle and not afford him his rank of clan Chieftain.

At any rate I was out in the cold with my camera on a walk into town and an exploration of these little cobbled lanes that abound between Princes Street and the new Town. The cobbles are difficult to walk on and my feet are now suffering.

However I made it to Shandwick Place to look at a furniture shop there. I was happy to note that the items I saw would not have looked good in a care home, and so that may be a source of furniture for the Dower House.

It was then a slow meander back via the canal and the Meadows to see if there was any bad news waiting for me at home. Fortunately, it appeared the wood was fine and although small patches of damp were detected in a few places in the walls, there was nothing serious and was par for the course in a building 150 years old. So hopefully we've passed that hurdle, and it's just a roof check now.

Tonight I 'm going to meet up with fellow blippers in the Spoon Cafe for a chat and a glass of wine. I'm looking forward to that.

The blip is one of a less than salubrious corner in Thistle street, but which seems to exhibit the 5 elements regarded by the Chinese as Earth, Fire, Wood, Water and Metal.

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