Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Flower droplet

I see many great droplet shots here on Blip. This image is my attempt. I think that it is okay, but still not exactly what I would like. So many times people have such amazing sharpness in the droplet and this one does not have that. HOwever, I like the purple color and branches in the dripping water.

One of the biggest challenges of this shot was that it was handheld. The limited light and narrow focus made it very hard to capture. I am certain that I would have had better results with my tripod, but I had limited time to shoot this. The general challenge with macro lenses is that the DoF is very shallow when close-up and so they tend to be more sensitive to camera shake. A tripod is really necessary, but I did not have one this time and so had to make due.

A year ago: A long walk with a little TMG

Post processing:
Adjust contrast and saturation in DPP

Constructive criticism always welcome

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