
By togrrrl

Spring delicacy

This image is for my sister who loves Northern Serviceberry. I found out only a couple of days ago that we had that in common too.

The flowers of this tiny tree are delicate and fragile. In the fall their berries feed birds and wildlife.

A quiet day.

Nature Notes

- Spring is springing so fast and early this year it's like being on sensory overload. All the flowers are blooming at the same time - strange, but gorgeous.

- Saw 3 female Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers, a migrating woodpecker that nests farther north of here in the tiny park across from where I work. They make very strange wickering sounds. Their bright scarlet caps were shining in the sun as they chased each other around. I was very excited to see them!

- I watched a red-tailed hawk soaring over the city in slow circles.

- The stupid pigeons at work are still sitting on an empty nest. They are very good parents apart from the fact that there aren't any eggs. I'm waiting for them to figure it out.

These notes are for myself but I'm happy if other people enjoy them!

I appreciate everyone's comments so much but I'm woefully behind on commenting back...

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