Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Fun Mail

We love getting fun mail. An invite to a lovely gathering that includes a delicious meal is the best type of surprise and invitation. This event is going to be fun.

Can you imagine all the thought, planning, and work that combined to produce this lovely invitation. Wow!

= = = = = = =

So the first day back in the classroom after spring break has now concluded. It was . . . well, it was a first day back. I told a colleague today that I love spring break and I hate it. The time off is delicious. However, my students have lost momentum. When I look into their eyes, I'm not sure anyone is home. They are now dreaming about State University at Sandy Shore . . . with their beach towels holding down a spot on the sand, someone could bring them a margarita, some suntan lotion, and at the end of 4-years, a degree. Now that's a university.

Well, I better get back to reading and marking student essays . . . because I am not at "State University at Sandy Shore" either. I've got work to do.

It's raining here. Because rain here happens so seldom, it's truly a moment to celebrate!

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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