
By magpie


Not an inspired blip today at all, mainly because of the rush I found myself in. It's league time again, which involves 3 hours of knee-enlarging tennis on courts around Edinburgh and at times, Fife.

One benefit of playing for a club means that you can indulge in the infamous tennis teas, where a bit of trotting around (while not using the net as a picket fence to chat over) allows you unlimited access after the match to heavily-laden platefuls of cakes, pizza and sandwiches.

The other benefit is that a lot of the clubs in Edinburgh are sneakily situated in quite posh areas looking on to tenements and town houses. So, like tonight, if all is going pear-shaped on the match front (a 9-3 skelping) then at least you get the chance to have a nosey at how the other half live.

Top cake tonight: White chocolate millionaire's shortbread. I feel a series coming on.

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