
By magpie

Take 30

A very lazy morning followed by a half hour cycle to the Meadows to visit Lady F. I do love cycling despite the 'glow' I seem to get from not much exertion and I do like the cycle path now that I have mastered the etiquette of trying not to tut at stray dogs and children and to ring my bell loudly and to refrain from shouting at the occasional pro cyclist who sarcastically says, 'Bell?', despite my having pinged it.

While I choose to operate a strictly behind-camera policy, Lady F was so excited about a dual blip that I reluctantly, after a glass of cider, agreed to participate. Several dozen takes were required to ensure that no extra flab or chins were showing, though I see I have adopted the upper arms of Giant Haystacks here.

Much was discussed and chatted about and it was even more enjoyable when the sun finally came out and stole away the distinct chill in the air.

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