Sweet Potato Sky

By sweetpotatosky

Just Like a Pill...

Round 2 at the dentist today - nowhere NEAR as bad as last time. I went in and told him I'd really freaked out last time despite thinking I'd be ok. So I (very pathetically) told him I'd really prefer him telling me what he was doing and to walk me through it. I'm the sort of person who wants to know exactly what's going to happen. If I ever needed surgery I'd want to watch it on YouTube so I knew what was going to happen to me. So he did, for a while anyway. ;) I think he lost interest in telling me what he was doing by the time he actually filled the teeth, but that was okay because by then the drilling and injecting was finished.

Came home, mouth was numb obviously. Last time I went to the dentist I felt totally rubbish and didn't eat for hours. Today was very different. Lets just say between ordering our takeout (from which I ordered 'soft' foods) and it arriving the numbness had completely gone and I regretted not going for a curry!! At some point though (I swear it was while I was yelling at one of the cats) I opened my mouth too wide and got a shooting pain in my jaw. Que painkillers...

Quiet night in with Heston tonight. I got Descent 2 but don't think it would be wise to watch that by myself considering how I got the heeby-jeebies from the first one.

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