
By LadyFindhorn


On a chilly, wet miserable day like this Sunday has turned out to be, it was good to scurry along to the local cafe for breakfast and a quick glance through the papers before venturing forth later to the Pine Cafe at Eddleston for lunch with his Lordship.
There was no sitting in the little park today in the warm spring sunshine, it was a straight out and straight back outing, with the windscreen wipers getting a lot of exercise.
There was an Edinburgh Road Club event on in the area and we passed some pretty cold looking cyclists battling into the rain on their way home.

As I write this, I am aware that you might be thinking that all his Lordship and I do is eat, and then not at our own table. It certainly does seem that way lately and I think the reason is that we are needing to distract ourselves from the realities of the house move.

While we sat next to the window in the cafe, we were able to watch the new lambs in the field opposite playing in little groups, oblivious to the cold, running and jumping about while their mothers studiously ignored them and had time to themselves. If a lamb thought to invade her space by trying to get a little milk top up, she was not averse to giving them a little biff with her hind leg- more Truby King than Dr Spock, I would say.

We humans think we are a different species from the animal kingdom, but in reality, this sheep field could translate into a playgroup or nursery for children. The only big difference being that the children don't end up on a plate with mint sauce.

It's enough to make you a vegetarian.......... but not yet. I had haggis and neeps for lunch, and very good it was too.

My blip is of Amy the ever welcoming, ever cheerful co-manager of my local cafe

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