
By LadyFindhorn

The Farmers' Market

Because his Lordship, writing an illustrated monograph about his uncle who was in the 11th Hussars and was killed at the battle of Cambrai in 1917, wanted a day of peace and quiet in which to compose a difficult page, I took myself off with my camera for a wander about town. I ended up at the Farmers' Market in Castle Terrace - hence the blip.

The afternoon saw me immersed in the clearing out programme. Today it was the ottoman inherited from my mother, which houses a variety of things, some which haven't seen the light of day for over 20 years. This includes a half knitted traditional Shetland jersey which I started for my youngest daughter when she was aged 2. I ran out of steam at the armhole level 28 years ago. How time flies!

Then it was on to what we grandly call the 'linen cupboard'. This cupboard is host to practically every towel we've ever owned over the last 45 years. Towels left in linen cupboards that long don't age well, so it was all out in to bin bags and earmarked for charity. Perhaps they can use them for emergencies.
The sheets and duvet covers for beds that no longer exist will have to wait another day.
I can't help wondering what the kids would have made of this clearing out extravaganza had they had to do it after I had been scattered as bone meal on the roses at the Mortonhall Crematorium gardens.

Another gin and tonic has been requested.

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