This day

By snapper


A dull start to the day weather wise and about three spots of rain. The afternoon got a whole lot better.
The guy phoned to say that my new wee camera that was to arrive in the shop tomorrow as a one boxed set would not be but if I was willing to take two boxes (1 with camera and 1 with lens) would that be ok? Well to be frank, I don't care how many boxes the dam thing comes in so long as it arrives. So #2 daughter and I are about to depart to the big smoke to collect my wee prescious tomorrow.

I will need to give my headlights a good thump before we depart lest any over zealious piggies stop me again!

Doggies had a good walk, wee rabbit refusing to come in as his body clock hasn't adjusted to the new clock yet so he turns his back on me when I open the door, well he will just have to wait till hubby comes home at 10 tonight to get in!

Will catch up on rest of work tomorrow afternon when I get back with new toy..

soooooo excited!!! can't wait, cant sleep!!!!!
Its not a big deal in the great scheme of cameras just something diffirent to play with

Picture Sam and Abbie staring at something!
Have a nice blip evening

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