
By meles

Windowsill flowers

Another day mostly wasted on dealing with the fall-out from The Unpleasant Situation - astonishing how much havoc one poisonous person can cause in an organisation that tries to be scrupulously fair to everyone, including the poisonous. I'm sure there was something more useful and possibly important that I was supposed to be doing today but I can't remember what it was.

So I really didn't have my blipping eyes in at all until I got home and started cooking and noticed that a couple of flowers have come out on the windowsill plants.

...a man tormented by a law-suit, by money troubles or anxiety about a woman, can nevertheless derive pleasure and actual solace from a game skilfully played or a plant which he has nurtured into bloom; so accurate, despite all the mind's attempts to mislead it, is the heart's divination of where true delight is to be found...... Yes.

(Richard Adams wrote that.)

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