
By LadyFindhorn

Sisters, Sisters............

I went for a pre breakfast cycle run to the canal to get a reflections blip but since it was cloudy with a slight breeze, there was nothing doing.
But on the positive side, I met a fellow blipper, JustSitting, cycling to work along the towpath. We had a wee blether before going our separate ways, but it was a good start to the day.

Daughter #2 from Rannoch was down in Edinburgh today with her two wee daughters, leaving the boys at home with their Dad. They were on a girlie shopping spree and I met them for coffee and a cuddle in Lewis's.
Imogen and Phoebe are a delightful duo, full of life but biddable too . They were uninhibited enough to show me and the rest of the cafe, their dance moves learnt at school. Hilarious!

I came home to the news that the mortgage firm for the buyers of the castle has a surveyor coming tomorrow. We paid £1,000 for the obligatory Home Report, available to all the interested parties, and now discover, as we suspected, that this is not worth the paper it's written on if the mortgage companies don't trust it.
So the upshot is that the nice young couple who have bought the castle have now to fork out for a 3rd survey (we paid for 2 original surveys with one of the surveyors returning to do the Home Report). It seems that there are endless ways for the powers that be to fleece the man in the street.
I am cross.

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