
By LadyFindhorn


I took this blip of the soon to be demolished McEwens brewery alongside the canal, because this was the source of much of the stuff of celebration. And celebration is what his Lordship and I are doing tonight.

The castle was officially sold to the highest of the three bids opened at 4pm this afternoon. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have sold it in less than a week to a lovely young couple who are in fact neighbours of ours. We know they will love it and enjoy bringing up their family here as we have done.

And so we shall be celebrating tonight, but maybe not with the liquid synonymous with the brewery in the blip. His Lordship celebrated a little too much with it last night after closing the drawbridge after the last of the tourists, and is confining his intake to orange juice today. When will he learn?

It was quite a stressful day and I did nothing very useful. I have a number of these little Ikea storage boxes which hold a plethora of bits and pieces, odd pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers and elastic bands etc. You know the sort of thing that you tend to hoard 'in case' , and I threw most of it out. That is all.......

This is not even the tip of the iceberg.

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