4 Blues and then some...

By ju4bluz

Red Rock

An amazing day touring the north eastern corner of New Mexico, we left the plains of Oklahoma and headed west over the state line to Clayton, an old market town which in it's hayday would have been bustling and thriving but is now slowing dying. Not many businesses have survived the onstlaught of Walmart. Fantastic examples of '50's shopfronts with icecream coloured enamel, chrome trim, and retro neon signs sit side by side with typical western ones.

A quick lunch and the out into wilderness, up into the canyons and mesas. It really is too difficult to describe the incredible beauty of this vast vast country, endless vistas dotted with pinon pines, the odd herd of black angus, and not a soul to be seen.

Here is my favourite shot of the day, the intense red of the sandstone, cool silver of sagebrush and the bright blue of the sky was almost too much for the eye to handle!

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