With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The mummies are still waiting

I found it very difficult to leave Mrs Pepperpot this morning. She's all set up and behaving herself, at the moment. Being HERSELF, she has the tendency to race around, which you just can't do on crutches. Anyway, tears were wiped and then I had a brief cup of tea with AKHF and mv before they took me to the airport.

The queues were enormous and I won't bore you with the details. Let's just say I had to pay my way through the crowds at great expense. In other countries, we might describe this as bribery.

Once on the plane however, it was a different matter (apart from the price of the sandwiches) and the crew got me assistance for when we arrived in Palma. The lovely guy there took me and Agu on a fun race through the airport and collected my bag for me.

And this young man has been so very well behaved, funny and charming.
He didn't get to do any of the fun things we had planned. The Egyptians in the museum will have to wait even longer. However, he was patient and played beautifully and it's been lovely to have him alone for a week. We can't wait to see Ben though.

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