
My beloved has been installing BM's gift above our doorway. I commented that he looked like he had been subjected to a very very bad fake tan. Poor thing.

Great job though...I will leave him to blip the results of his labour.

Am just recovering from having kittens. Must be because it's the anniversary of me being in labour with James (at this point ten years ago, I had already been in labour for 18 hours .... I still had another 13 and a half to go....). Anyway, the reason for the kittens tonight was that I started gathering together all of my personal documents so that I could write and get my name changed on them. Except when I found my car insurance it said it ran out on 3rd March. I sat on the floor and genuinely felt the room spin - I thought I was going to pass out! At this point it was too bloody late to ring the insurance company. However, some stealth detective work (checking my bank account and the National motor insurance database) reassures me that I am actually covered - just can't find my policy documents!!! I will ring them tomorrow and see if I can kill two birds with one stone.

Finally got round to tidying up the house today and started catching up on things that have passed me shopping for food! rearranged all of the paintings to accomodate 2 photos and a painting that we had been given as gifts. Started wading through the laundry mountain. Not really looked at the photos today though - must get that done.

Bit annoying this name change malarky - not in itself, but that I will have to do my passport and wait for the marriage certificate to be returned before I can then do my driving license - they will only accept the original, not a copy. However, I want to take Corin's name, so a little inconvenience will just have to be coped with. Because he's worth it!!!!! Just like a L'oreal product!

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