Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

I just couldn´t do it....

Last night a couple things happened....

1. Several of the students got sick....food poisoning, maybe from the homestays but who knows.

2. Stu in typical fashion arrived out of nowhere six hours late to the barbeque and invited us to help him castrate some alpacas up on the ranch. Yep.

So here we are after a days work. Stu is fastidious about the quality of his fiber and has a most discerning eye for the traits he breeds for in his herds After all his alpaca wool is the best in Ecuador. But as Arthur said, ¨to run a good alpaca ranch you gotta cut some balls off¨. Uh-huh....

There was a big herd of the most unlucky males ever milling about waiting their unfortunate turns to lose their manhood. Sorry, you´ve been deemed genetically undesirable. Clip-clip! We only got through about eight of them before Stu had to run off again, but it was an experience most of us won´t forget, perhaps tragically I might add...

This is us, or at least those not too sick or squeemish. Stu, Seth, Hannah, Arthur, Intefada, and Sierra. The purple stuff is a disinfectant and the bloody things in their hands are you guessed it, alpaca testicles. I helped hold em down, but in the end I think I found cutting an animals balls off is a line I just don´t want to cross. You gotta have your principles.

I couldn´t do it!

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