I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Black and White Friday

So much happened today! I'll try my best to keep this write up to a minimum amount of words. I woke up feeling absolutely gross so my mom let me sleep in more. Went to school late, had a cracked voice all day, but I feel much better now.

After school I went to a nearby middle school to help sixth graders play violin. They're so cute! My little kid's name is Justin and we played the Star Wars theme because he really likes it and he wants to play it for his dad on his birthday.

I also went to my friend's black and white birthday party today. Alice and I were the photographers and we had to take all pictures in black and white. This is the group picture, and of course you all know that they never turn out perfect. There's always someone blinking, someone blurry, or someone not paying attention. It's okay though. Shows how much was going on! A true "Asian" party hahah.

So glad it's the weekend!

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