I feel infinite.

By racheelz

My Current Best Friend

Meet ultra soft Kleenex. Does a nose a great deal.
Still sick. Today was absolutely dreadful to get through. Difficult tests are ten times more difficult when you're sick. :(

Very boring blip today. I don't feel like doing anything except sleeping. I guess I'll go do that now..

Funny story however. Probably one of those "had to be there moments." Today during lunch, Alice (serendipitous) and I saw this kid's shirt that said "trust no one." She was commenting to me about such a sad t-shirt. Funny thing was, the moment both of us looked up at him, another kid offered him something and he said "I don't trust you!"

We had a good laugh. Maybe that isn't even considered funny...now that I type it. More ironic, if anything. It's okay. I know at least Alice will be laughing when she reads this.

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