Picture Consequences

By consequences

At the door

That strange feeling of time going missing again, and you find yourself almost at the metal doors.

There's something odd about them; at one point, the thick metal seems to be insubstantial, glowing from within. You stare at the bluish glow, and find you can't take your eyes off it.

As you stand there, you're aware of movement to your left.

Someone is standing there. It is someone who looks familiar to you - a neighbour, perhaps? - but you can't be certain about who they are.

In spite of your earlier feeling of dread, you feel no fear at suddenly seeing this person. You're not even curious about why they happen to be there. You know, without having to ask, that they must have emerged silently from the door at the side of the building.

Your new companion nods to you in greeting. They are neither friendly nor standoffish - and, like you, they show no surprise at the situation.

You look at one another in silence, without emotion or curiosity, for what would normally be an uncomfortable length of time.

Then, in a matter-of-fact way, they gesture towards the side door.

"They're ready for you now," he says. "Just go on in."

So, of course, you do.

Story starts here.

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