This day

By snapper

Old Sea Dog

Up early for a Sunday, went to morning service, my how boring the pirest is. All the kids go into a room at the back during the liturgy, well today you would have thought there was a riot in there! It was bound to happen, as soon as I saw one particular mother with her bratty son who has absolutly no sense of manners anywhere public, I knew the folks looking after the kids were on a hiding to nothing. One wee boy came out looking shell shocked and the other wee menaces came out smiling while the adults looked ready to comit on of the 10 Commandments!

Tokk doggies out for a wee spin to get to their walk and the youngest was only 2 minutes in the car when she threw up. God what a reek., I had to stop at the local garage and the big commercial hoover cost me 4 quid to sook up all the sick, yuk.

On the way to my doggy walking place I pass a few houses and I noticed one of them had place boulders by the kerbside. I HATE this! The worst village in Scotlnad for this has to be Kilmelford. You have to run the gauntlet of wooden spikes, bits of metal, rocks, boulders and all manner of stuff by the kerbside or roadside. You are meant to leave I think two feet which belongs to the public highway and not to some territorial wee git who would rather you ripped your car tyres to shreds rather than go on the verge to pass another car and I have to say the worst offenders on the single track Kilmelford road are the locals themselves! half of them don't seem to possess reverse gear!
You cannont always garuantee too meet a car at a passing place and having spent half my life on an island I am well aware of the nutters that speed past passing places (thats why they are called passing places!) then proceed to ram you off the road. Grrrrr

I see our two rabbits are doing what rabbits do best! However one or tother of them is going to be dissapointed as the male rabbit has been de rabbitified! The only problem I forsee will be when they go from their winter lodgings (the veranda) to their summer residence(the front garden) where I am likly to be taken to task by some uppity trendy tree hugging modern parent not wishing their (educated!) children be subject to such craven goings on in Argyll!

My Billy Goats Gruff made it onto the front page of the local rag, did I tell yous that? if so, then I AM senile.

Happy remaining Sunday blippsters

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