Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Flat beer ...

... is there anything worse?

Well, how about a plaster cast that is even more uncomfortable after being replaced than it was when it was originally fitted? The original discomfort was caused because the cast had a tendency to slip down my arm towards my hand and irritate the site of one of the pins which was inserted. Unfortunately, the replacement is fitted in such a way that there's now almost constant pressure on that same point -- very ouch! I don't want the fracture clinic nurses to think of me as a total wuss, but I really think I'll have to make another phone call and see if they'll fit Cast Mark III.

One positive thing when I went back to the clinic was the moment when they took off the original cast. If I once manage to get a cast which I can wear without discomfort, I now know at first hand what it will feel like when it comes off for the last time. That's something to look forward to, at least. So is our holiday in Croatia, of course, but that also got a bit of a setback today.

We decided last week to put things back a week (until 15th september), so as to give my wrist that little bit extra recovery time. That was fine in principle, but Carl still needed to get formal approval for the change in work, which only came through today. I contacted the holiday operator when I got back from the hospital to enquire about availability for our preferred option. The word wasn't good: the flight is full for where we want to go on that date. So we now need to think our options through again. At this stage I'll be happy with anywhere we can get in Croatia for our new dates, but it's still disappointing that our preferred option isn't a runner.

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