
By mar

My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel;

My thoughts are whirled like a potter's wheel; I know not where I am nor what I do.

~William Shakespeare

This morning, we all got up early (on a Saturday!) for me to take an assessment test to see if I qualify for the Cert Ed course. As it was at the college, Michael was going in to catch up on some work and Charlotte wanted to go with daddy to his office (of course). The plan was for them to wait for me in his office while I spent two hours (on a Saturday!) learning about the educational path that best fit my needs and to take the dreaded test.

Little did I know that while I was taking an online test, a very nice man named Tom (who works for Michael) offered to take Charlotte to the pottery room to make her own marbleized plate! Now, the fact that this is something that I've wanted to do since I found out about it last year but instead of waiting for me while I suffered with the test Dumb and Dumber went off and had fun is besides the point. The point is she had a brilliant time and was able to learn the wonders of pottery and marbleizing on a day when we thought she was going to be in the office with a book. How fab was that (for her... not me). Ha! I do kid, I thought it was brilliant that she was offered a wonderful opportunity not normally afforded to children - a whole college pottery studio and private tutor ... ok yes, I'm still miffed! ;-).

Meanwhile - the brilliant news was that I passed with flying colors and can shoot right into the Cert Ed course, bypassing all other routes normally needed. Hooray! I passed with a 87.67% and yes, that 12.33% bothers the daylights out of me! But my teaching hours will start after Easter with my Cert Ed course starting in September.

After we had a day of shopping and puppets before coming home. And I *finally* managed to finish a book review - yay!

More photos of the pottery session:

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