
This cute little Smooth Fox Terrier peeped over the six foot wall of the neighbouring Thatch Haven Estate, trying to see us clearly through the electrical security fence's wires. I am sure he has something to stand on!

He made me think back tp the day my foxy died, almost 50 years ago!

I had a foxy, his name was Topsy. He was my seventh birthday present from my parent's friends and I loved him with all my heart! Being an only child, he soon became my 'little brother'! I was fourteen years of age when he passed away and I refused a new doggy for mány years.

Being a vérrrrry faithful person, I don't simply replace my loved ones with another! I was married for quite a few years before I was willing to accept a dog as pet again!

I am afraid, I did the same with my relationships! My husband was actually my first real boyfriend, we met when I was almost fifteen, he passed away sixteen years ago and I have never even gone out for a cup of coffee with a man since, I am tóóóótally satisfied with my children's, and more than often my own, company! .... and, of course, my Blipfriends every day! ;-)

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