
By hallucination30

Potty pees

A momentous occasion today as Sammy, at 2 years and 4 months, decided to pee in the potty. There was much fist pumping, hands in the air, 'yeah yeah' and huge joy from him. I was pleased to see how happy it made him. He was sad to get up until I told him he was allowed to wash his hands now which caused even more joy and hand waving.
Introduced Grant to toddler group this morning, he found it a bit strange and awkward. He left part way through which threw poor Lucie into hysterical crying and reaching out as her dad walked away, I got lots of sympathetic looks and 'ahhhhh's.
No cooker, no word from John Lewis despite numerous promises to call me from numerous people. Trying very hard to just let it go and not get wound up, not easy!
The Hampsons are in the country! Good times.

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