
By LadyFindhorn

Ephemeral Reflections

The rain which had been forecast today didn't materialise allowing me a dry wander to find this enigmatic window display in Armstrongs.

Later in the morning his Lordship and I had a potentially life changing and possibly life enhancing meeting with a certain company which left us both excited and anxious at the same time. There may well be very turbulent but also exhilarating times ahead. We'll see.

While trying to find something technical in my technical drawer, I was confronted by a multitude of leads and wires, most of which I'm certain are obsolete and belong to long dead computers and cameras and are meant to do things about which I no longer remember.

Some have labels on which point to a certain bit of technology, but most don't.
Why oh why did I not label all of them when I first got them with what their function was and what machine they should be attached to before time had erased their function from my memory.

Needless to say what I was looking for didn't seem to be there.


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