St Kitts

Due to a breakdown in communication SWMBO and I wasted a couple of hours waiting on A & L to hit the island (St. Kitts) after their breakfast. They left without us!!!!!

So our walk around town before going on to get taken to one of the historical sites was cancelled. Instead we negotiated a deal go to an old plantation (Romney Manor) which is now a historical site, gardens and batik manufacturer. Before we headed off there the driver was going to drop off a group at one of the most popular beaches a few miles the other way ......... if that was okay!
That was fine with us because we got a bit of a tour free of charge.

The blip was taken on the way to the beach (just out of sight behind that first hill) and shows the Atlantic Ocean on the left and the Caribbean Sea on the right.
The word Caribbean comes from a tribe of cannibalistic Indians - the Carib -  who pushed out (or ate) the  Arawak Indians who were already in residence on the islands.

The driver, a wonderful girl by the name of Abena was also giving us a history, economic, and geography lesson. She was marvellous – and like Duffy, our driver on Grenada, she made frequent stops to point out local flora and fauna and give photo opportunities.

She got a hefty tip.

On the way back to the ship through the duty free area I actually managed to get SWMBO to look at something for her birthday/anniversary present. She chose a nice dark topaz ring, pendant and earring set and a bracelet to match.
After leaving the island and the sun going down the ship experienced a power cut.
We were informed by the Captain that we were in deep water and drifting gently to port. I think the Captain needs to go back to nautical college. We were drifting to starboard and that is where there was a damned great volcanic rock called St Kitts!!! By the time power was restored and the engines started we were A LOT nearer to shore and the ship was turned fairly sharply to port to get us back on course.

During diner there was no announcement but the ship stopped again for a while and there were some strange noises coming from below decks. I am sure the engine room crew were trying to rewind the springs.                

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