Outdoor Education

Those of you who follow my blips will remember my rant about the kids at the local school/nursery school being expected to go out and play in all weathers.
Well THIS is the playing field next to the school - and this one has had dozens of land drains put in ...... the school field hasn't!
But apparently the headmistress has plans to combat the problem ..... she is asking for old pallets and tyres! I don't think she has ever heard of 'Health & Safety', 'Risk Assessment' or children screaming after falling on rough wood and collecting splinters.
She has also sent out a newsletter containing the suggestion that parents have children write to Santa asking for waterproof coats & trousers, hats, gloves and spare wellies.
How condescending is that?

When out walking PD I noticed that this branch has been completely absorbed by the growing beech tree.
There was also another of the mature trees has come down across the pond blocked the path.
I have contacted The Woodland Trust and let them know so I would imagine that the path with be open again pretty soon.
I suspect there may be more coming down with the high winds that are building up at the moment - the ground is just so waterlogged that it is going to have problems holding the roots when the trees get a good sway on.

Tomorrow is Craft Sale day in Linlithgow if anyone is interested and in the area.

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