With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


M made my morning by a bit of ESP. How does he manage to know exactly when to call me?

And then.... There was fantastic light at the end of the day which had been mostly a bit grey. We were there to see it just catch the top of the mountains. Thanks so much lovely Michelle, Marcelo and Ellie for getting me out of the house, carrying the camera, coping with the effusive Scooby and for singing songs. It was a fab walk and exactly what I needed.

After the walk, Scooby and I met up with David and Brigid (blip from yesterday) for a coffee and chat and then I visited Scooby's holiday home for Christmas. He is going to be so very spoiled and happy there, it is such a relief to know.

What a great day. I am feeling so much more energetic, thanks to all you lovely people.

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