Boy, Oh Boy!

I have walked miles today and I have not even left the house. The only one who has taken more steps than me is Gavin because he has little legs! Busy, busy, busy boy!
I emptied several baskets of toys for him to play this evening on the floor. Usually Gavin immediately starts playing with his toys, not tonight. He was very interested in the basket, reach in for the one ball left and fell head first into the basket. With a little help from Nana, I helped turn him around so he was in the basket the right way. He had a ball in the basket. I am not to sure my son and daughter-in-law will thank me for this new game. He played in the basket throwing balls at me and I would throw them back. At one point, he was giggling so hard he almost fell out of the basket! While everyone is out shopping and running around, I am blessed to be playing ball with my grandson.


Little boys come in all shapes and sizes,
Shy and adventurous, full of surprises,
With misshapen halos and mischievous grins,
Small dirty faces, and sweet, sticky chins.

They'll keep you so busy, and yet all the while
Nothing can brighten the world like their smile.
And no greater treasure has brought homes more joy
Than a curious, active, and lovable boy!

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