Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Girl time

Without intending to hubby had a boys day and I had a girls day. Hubby and Dex did Kin ball this morning whilst myself and Olivia stayed at home. We organised for one of her friends to come over this morning as we've just found out that she only lives a couple of streets away from us.
After lunch I walked and Olivia scooted to gymnastics where I don't think she paused for breath once. On the way home we stopped at the shops to look at the Christmas decorations and buy a few Christmas pressies. In the meantime the boys had been to one of Dex's best mate's birthday party and had a great time.

Both kids embraced each other as if they hadn't seen each other for days and Dex had asked if he could take a party bag home for his sister, bless him. However it didn't take long for the bickering to start over again!

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