
By togrrrl

City + Sun + Warmth = Pleasure

Oh what a gorgeous day.

I left work a bit early (shhh, don't tell anyone) and strolled over to art class feeling overwhelmed by the sunlight.

Although it was cold by most civilized standards, people were walking around in shorts and Tshirts and lining up for drinks on patios. I celebrated by taking potshots at passing people.

Art class was great. I knew the model from last fall's class. She and I traded parenting advice in breaks. She's a gorgeously rounded woman and not afraid to show her curves. I admire her openess.

Nature Notes - Another good day!
- Saw migrating red-winged black bird flocks flying over early this morning. Despite flying all night they still seemed fresh and energetic.
- Crows are flying around in pairs, looking for places to build their nests
- Birds singing!!! Cardinals, robin, house finches, sparrows, starlings - all common birds going about their business

Life everywhere.

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