Guess Where I'm Going Tomorrow?

Oh dear I felt rough this morning, but last night was really good fun. Pat had an array of alcohol so we googled cocktails and started mixing. With my reputation for clumsiness they wouldn't let me near the glasses...probably for the best really. (I only broke one cup today...oops). We worked our way through quite a few different ones and then decided to make up our own. Katherine and I made the last one of the evening...well early hours of this morning...and I have to say it looked damn good...and tasted rather good too! We christened it the it was clear with grenadine at the bottom. I think I used equal measures of peach schnapps, gin and vodka...there was something non alcoholic in it, but I can't remember what.

Thank goodness I wasn't in work until this afternoon as I felt poorly. They are definitely leading me astray though. The others were fine, they are hardened drinkers ha ha ha.

Anyway I have an early train to catch in the out London!!

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