Have I Over Snaked?

I had much needed lie in this morning and then Jude sent a text late morning seeing if I fancied nipping out to a couple of shops with her. I was dressed and ready in time to be picked up and we headed off.

I'm going round to Pat's for the Secret Garden Christmas Do shortly. I've decided to go in my long black velvet dress with a bit of a goth overtone. I can't do pretty and sparkly so I might as well embrace the dark side ha ha ha. I am a huge lover of anything to do with witches so it is only right I dress up as one every now and again. I used to tell the children at school that I travelled to work on the broomstick that was in the cupboard...some of them believed me...he he he.

I've decided to wear my cat boots.

Anyway, I have a snake necklace, a snake bracelet and a snake ring on...am I over snaked??

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