
By TynvdB

Gulls Sailing Low Against Southwestern

Slowly but steadily I’m finding myself back in this new life-situation. Of course, there is more at stake than the new set-up of our apartment and organizing the formal requirements for moving abroad. We are entering a new life-phase, all three of us.

From the outside maybe it looks simple and in a way it is. Because we’re following a deep inner voice, a personal call to do what we can as a way of responsible living in creativ freedom. Big words? Maybe. Mischa remarked yesterday that visibly we are growing younger.

I understand that she means to say that we are on the way of re-arranging our life-situation quite differently from what most elder people would undertake or refuse to accept. You need basic trust for such radical moves. Of course we feel tired meanwhile. But we do not use that as an impediment or as counter-will, so we could spoil or unconsciously sabotage the process. That’s because we feel sure in a mysterious way that an unknown future is opening up and will prosper out of this process.

I feel that we are now like those Gulls sailing sharply against the wind. Using the upwards pressing airstream, caused by the bumping of the wind on the dune tops. And, they sail together giving their followers protection. So they reinforce each others flying power. Sailing together against the headwind multiplies the totality of energies including the natural forces, given both from the inside and from the outside.

This fundamental kind of auto-multiplying - the more you give each other, the more you recieve back to share anew - belongs to the deepest source of the soul. It is the Logos or Eros, grounding our unfathomable Soul, which is mutually enriching, empowering each of us.

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