One click at a time

By KeithKnight

Dinner Lady

Today we had our second drive in the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve. This time our guide managed to get us into the zone where tigers had been seen over the past couple of days. However, we did not see any this time either.

From there we set out for Agra, we stopped along the way at a school where we were welcomed with open arms. No CRB checks, no parental consent forms, just an open invite to take photos.

The Indian government seem to really be making an effort to improve education in the rural areas, with plans, well advanced, for a primary school in every village, free school uniforms, a free school lunch, a free bike for when the children go to secondary school and many other incentives to get the children and especially the girls into education.

Out in the shadow of some of the buildings were 2 ladies cooking lunch for the children. We were invited to taste some of it as well. This is one of the 2 school cooks.

After this it was on to Agra with another stop-off at a step-well, a massive structure in the ground.

In India with JuneFox, Colstro, John Gravett, new blipper JulieAnneKay and others in Agra for our India photo adventure.

Blips from the India trip being back blipped now we are all back home with easy internet access.

28/11/2014 - Heathrow

29/11/2014 - Cowherd

30/11/2014 - Cast your net wide

01/12/2014 - Ranthambore

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