
By TynvdB

A Thrilling Day

We passed a strange night. Outside rainstorms were furiating. And inside for the first time since years we slept on mattresses on the floor. Memory scenes of youth, removal, camping, staying the night with friends in the attic. Outside the wind was pulling the last leaves from the tree branches. Some loose objects rattling over the pavement. Willemien passed a bad night, awakening from sleep. While my passage through dreamland went rather smoothly.

This was the trigger to move out our beds completely and put them in their new place in our “living”. From now on this “living” encompasses sitting, eating and sleeping. Just like we did when we started together, fourtyseven years ago...Hey, hello, wake up, that was...ahem...is today. Oh Dear and I even did not think of flowers…

Mischa did not notice either. Does she know anyhow? Well, that does not matter any more now. But there remains a remarkable symbolism in this spontaneous removal coinciding with this life historic day. Indeed, this is our adventure and we both are proud of it. Willemien too likes our renovated interior here. She feels that this is to become a warm place of intimate comfort and rest. That makes us feel grateful. Though she is still tired, of course.

After lunch I visited an empty beach. The fierce Western was so strong that I choose to step down from my bike and walk up the path into the dunes. It was fantastic down there at the surfline. The winds almost blowing me from my feet. The tide was rising. Over my head a cormorant was working hard directly against the Western. Flying too high he was blown aside and forced to turn, sailing elegantly at high speed back into the dunes. The Gulls have developed a different technique sailing cross on the wind, or even against. Low over the last row of dunes and then shifting over to a low flight over the surf. What a thrill to witness all this. What a thrilling day!

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